Sunday, December 12, 2010

Managment Through Poetry

Motivating and inspiring people to accomplish goals
A leader, monitor and negotiator are a few of my roles
Need to make decisions at the end of the day
Ability to identify problems can go a long way
Going the extra mile will make everyone smile
Everyone's strengths and weaknesses kept in a mental file
Moving past barriers of communication
Extreme creativity leading to innovation
Need to be productive and efficient as can be
That's what a manager is to me

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog

            Upon learning about this blog assignment I was not too thrilled. I had previously blogged in other classes and I knew the responsibility and effort that it entailed. In other classes there had been one class blog that everybody had to post on, a few people assigned to each topic. This blog assignment took it to the next level and made each student create there own blog. Although it involved more work I believe it made the assignment a lot better. Towards the beginning of the blogging process I still wasn’t really into it but as the semester moved along I was beginning to see the positive aspects of having this blog.
            The individual blogs allowed us to be creative and get a little of each of our personalities on the blog. By looking at all of my entries I believe you are able to get a glimpse at who I am, and I can do the same on the blogs of my class mates. This was very useful in a class as big as ours. I was able to meet and get to know many of my classmates through looking at their blogs and commenting on them. Without these bloggs I would not have made these connections. Besides our group projects the class doesn’t provide too many opportunities to socialize, and even when you do socialize students act differently in the classroom setting. The blogs provided us with this extra opportunity to socialize and we were able to see the other side of our classmates. The blog assignments definitely added to the communications in class. The bonds built on the blogs in some form carried on into class. They made me feel more comfortable talking with the people whose blogs I visited and having a little information on the type of person they are made conversation easier.
            The blogs also allowed us to remember out classroom activities better.  Our class room activities tend to come up on the tests and this is a good way to prepare for the tests. When I write stuff down I tend to remember it more, and when trying to remember what we did in a certain experiment after writing about it on the blog it was a lot easier. Looking though others peoples blogs I was also able to realize certain aspects about the experience that I had previously missed. I found myself saying thing like good idea I hadn’t really thought about that various times.
            The blog served as a way to see other management techniques that our specific groups were not involved in. Maybe another group had a different strategy or experience during one of the group activities, though the blog you were able to experience what they experienced without actually being in their group. Through the professors blog he was able to give us additional information about management which I thought was helpful. I was introduced to many terms that I had previously never heard before.
            Overall I feel like the blog was a great and easy way to secure 20% of our grade. It may have required a little more work but it is not as stressful this way then if we would have simply been graded on out tests. The blog seems like it could help bring your grade up a level if everything was done correctly which is great. The only thing I didn’t like about the blogs was that we were forced to blog on at least 3 peoples blogs for every blog. This was very difficult at times because for some blogs there were very few people that blogged and I had to go through various blogs in order to get three. I understand why it was done though, I do not believe I would have checked out as many  blogs as I did other wise and the experience would not have been the same.
            I do not really have plans of continuing the blog only because the only people that look at it are the people in my class, and once the class is over im sure most people wont continue to look at it so I would basically be writing to myself. I believe im more open to class blogging now then I had been before the start of the class however, and actually hope that I have the opportunity to blog in one of my future classes.