Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The unbreakable egg

I found this activity to be very entertaining and feel that it helped teach us alot about the planning process. During the experiment it seemed that my group wasnt really as concerned with following the planning process as with getting a good idea together, but looking back I see that we did actually follow a majority of the steps. In regaurd to step one "defining your goal and objectives" our goals and objectives were pretty much laid out by the professor and befor begining the process the goal of the activity was made clear to everyone in the group. As soon as the time began we had a working idea and we continued to work on that idea in order to make the most efficient apparatus possible. We came up with the idea of letting out apparatus hang from the strip of tape pretty early and spent a great deal of time planning out the container part in which the egg would be held. We didnt really state all of our stregnth as stated in group two but they somehow managed to come out. One member began explaining the physics behind the design we should make another more artistic member took the role of drawing out the apparatus, one took the role of engineer, another a leadership role etc. During the planning process step 3 was definately met, having at least 3 alternate models for the egg holding device. We went over each device judging it based on how much impact it would be able to absorb, how well it would hold the egg ect and choose the final design accordingly. We then began considering how we would make this structure keeping in mind that we wanted a majority of the tabe to be left over. This would count as step 4, analyzing the alternatives. Once the planning time was over and it was time to start building we began step 5 and quickly got to work on our plan. The time went by pretty quick but we got everything done on time, or so we thought and we were pretty happy with our design. Then it was time to test it. Our design was one of two that actually ended in a sucess and didnt crack the egg however we had one major flaw... we forgot to write our names on the paper disqualifying us from the competiton and teaching us one valuable lesson, pay attention to detail. We were so caught up in designing the model that we failed to pay attention to the smaller details such as writting our name on the paper. In the future I believe if we have someone specifically there to ensure that we follow all of the steps and stay on track things will go alot smoother. We had good team dynamics and I beleive after learning from this mistake our team will preform much better in the future.


  1. I think that your team got very creative with the stream of tape idea. The hardest part for my group which we wasted a lot of time on was deciding which design we wanted to use. The fact that your team was able to decide on a general design so quickly really helped you advance to the next steps in a timely manner.

  2. I think that your group's idea was very creative. I don't think it is uncommon for people to get caught up in the actual project and excitement of design and forget about paperwork. I think this is where having assigned roles comes in handy. I know that my group also would have benefitted from having someone specific assigned to do the paperwork/notetaking/ drawing.
