Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Decisions Decisions

After going over the decision making process I was surprised to see how closely the class had unknowingly followed its structure. In our activity the professor had purposely created a decision making conflict, and according to what we learned in class there are a variety of ways in which people behave when dealing with these types of conflicts. I personally believe I followed the compete to win path and tried to get the class to hear my ideas. At first I had tried raising my hand and when I was unable to successfully get the attention of the class I found it necessary to go up to the front to get my point heard. I believe I chose this method because I thought I had an idea which would benefit everyone and wanted the class to hear it. I also guess I wanted to persuade the class to see things my way.  I do not believe I was acting in a selfish manner however I really thought I had a good idea that would help the whole class and one that the class would agree with. Compete to win seemed to be the more popular method within the class. A lot of people were fighting for attention to try and get their views across. A few others followed the route of avoidance, choosing to not partake in the activity because they didn’t see any chance of getting their point across. I do not blame these individuals seeing how the environment made it easy for a person to lose hope. One guys said he had been raising his hand for about 5 minutes before being recognized.  This method is not very productive however. When people decided they were no longer going to take part they basically only agreed to whatever the rest of the class came up with. They felt forced to go along with this choice and didn’t feel like they really got what they wanted. It seemed to have brought a negative vibe to the process. There were also a few people who acted as compromisers, trying to bridge the gap between two extremes to try and satisfy two majority groups at once. I don’t really think too many people followed the accommodation path being that nobody did exceptionally well on the test everyone this decision was one that would affect everyone. Those who let others decide for them I believe would have been practicing avoidance rather then accommodation in this case. Looking back on this activity the method the class should have used, but I did not see too much of, was collaborating. I believe the environment was too disorganized for this to happen and a more authoritative leader would have had to been designated the role. If everyone had stayed calm and spoken one at a time I believe more ideas would have been heard and a greater compromise would have been reached. We could have let everyone that wanted to get an idea across speak and write their idea on the board, and afterwards come up with a way to incorporate the ideas that would help the majority of people. I do not believe it would have ever been possible to get the whole class to be 100% happy with the final decision but at least in this way everybody could feel that there idea was heard and that they played a role in the decision. Overall I was happy with this activity and the results that our class had. I was a little worried at the end when that one girl didn’t raise her hand but it all worked out in the end.


  1. That one girl was me. Sorry for making you worry^^. I didn't mean to worry anybody but it was because I didn't have the chance to talk about my idea of getting rid of the essay part completely. Even I did good in the test, I did not like the essay part. It took too many time. Well, however, I am happy with the final consensus overall. It was a really great experience.

  2. First off, I definitely commend your efforts and the fact that you took an initiative. It is not easy being a leader and taking on all of the responsibility that goes along with it; especially in a situation where people’s academics are at stake. I took the accommodation stance as I did not see my grade as a reflection on the test. I was pleased overall with its structure and had no problem with the suggestions being thrown out.

    It was definitely a negative environment as you said and I don’t think there would be an easy way to come to a decision where everyone was satisfied. But I agree that people should have been able to voice their opinion one at a time so that the voices could be heard. I would also say that it worked out in the end, regardless of the stress!

  3. I agree, I was definitely in the avoidance category. I believed that the environment made it impossible to accomplish anything because people were always yelling. So I just got annoyed and gave up and decided what everyone chose i would just raise my hand at the end of it.

  4. i agree with you calmness, and one at a time would have gone far. If people relaxed and listened maybe things would be different. Also the time of day that we have class, may be the reason why everyone is so wired.

  5. You are right about there needing to be more order and structure. It was totally disorganized. ALthough it frustrates me that people not participate, and then complain- from what you are saying I see how the environment lead to this.
