Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Personality Profile

            Throughout my life I have taken a few personality profile tests and every time im skeptical but surprised by their accurateness. I have never taken this specific test, however, nor was I aware of the fact that companies use tests like these to make important decisions such as appointing a managerial positions. According to the test I was a Dc type, standing for Dominance Conscientious. The D types as described have an emphasis on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition in order to accomplish results. They tend to Welcome challenges, make quick decisions, and basically like taking charge. I believe that out of the four choices this is where I would fall. I usually am not too talkative in situations but when necessary I do like to step up and get things done. I usually come up with solutions and believe that they are the best . This usually comes off as being seen as stubbornness. I have been given a few opportunities to lead in the last and I welcomed them and liked the sense of power given to me through them. Although im happy with being a D I think or would like to think that I have a few traits from each of the other groups such as the power of persuasion typical of the I’s and accuracy of a C. I was a little disappointed when I found out that a D makes a good leader but not as good a manager but ill take leadership.
I believe it is helpful to know a persons management type. In a work environment these types of test can lead to increased productivity by placing employees in strategic positions based on their types. If  you find that D types don’t work well together and delay progress then through this test you will be able to know who is a D type and plan accordingly. If a D type needs to work with a C type in order to provide quick and accurate information then this type of group can also be formed using this test.
The test also could be helpful in other aspects of life such as in a marriage as the professor pointed out. You can see the characteristics of the other types and based on this you can see which type you seem to be most or least compatible with. A test such as this seems like it would help in most personal interactions, and can explain why many people seem to click instantly and why others may not.


  1. after reading your blog it seems as though the personatity profile system accurately described you. When something needs get to done you said you get it done. this very typical of a D personality great post.

  2. Great post! I also found it to be surprising that companies would use tests like these. People may not always be the best judge of their own character. I scored highest as an I and had much the same reaction of you but in the fact that I was considered less of a “manager.” Management and leadership are both critically important; you can’t have one without the other! I also think I possess qualities from each category though and I’m sure you do as well. I didn’t think of your idea to use the tests to form teams but that is a great idea; different personalities will perform differently when placed together; it is definitely valuable information to know that beforehand in order to avoid conflict in the work environment. And of course in marriage as well :)

  3. Hey there fellow D! I think its great that the profile system was right on the money in regard to your personality. I agree with you and think that this method is helpful in a lot of ways.



  4. Thank you Gilbert for your comment. Glad to see you are a D-type as well. We can relate to each other. I like what you said about some leadership qualities that you have: "I usually am not too talkative in situations but when necessary I do like to step up and get things done. I usually come up with solutions and believe that they are the best . This usually comes off as being seen as stubbornness." I think you need to be stubborn in order to reach your goals. It's one of the qualities a good leader has to possess. It IS important to step up, show the initiative and have courage to get things done and not be afraid. I wish you the best and thank you for a well-written post.

  5. D personalities rule. You need to be dominant to control any situation, to lead a crowd, to be influential, and to achieve success no matter where it is. IF a leader is effectively dominant, putting all that responsibility on themselves will allow them to achieve consciousness, steadiness, and be influential. With power, comes great responsibility.

  6. I really think i have more than one personality too. But i think these test can further prove people's work attitude. I believe we act differently at different situiations.
