Saturday, November 6, 2010

Looking towards the future

After watching the video "The Power of Vision" last week in class I was shown that vision plays a key role in a successful future. Vision in this sense refers to an outlook on the future. I believe this is something a majority of people have whether they realize it or not. Most people have goals for what they want to be in the future and some sort of plan as to how to get there. I personally have a few goals im looking to reach in the future. The first being getting a job in one of the top accounting firms in NY. To accomplish this goal I am currently pursuing an accounting degree at Baruch and trying to get an internship at a top accounting firm that will teach me the skills necessary for a career in this field. Hopefully by building my resume in this way I will achieve this goal shortly after graduation. Hopefully by accomplishing this goal i'll be able to accomplish my next goals of owning a home and car of my own. I believe this is a very common vision, for Americans anyway, and although the prices of homes seem to be rising year by year I am looking to buy one hopefully a couple years after I obtain a full time position. Owning a home seems like it makes more financial sense then renting because instead of losing money every month to rent your investing it. Another goal of mine is to have a family at some point. Im not exactly sure at what stage I want to reach this goal but its definitely after Im financially secure and all of the other goals are in the process of being completed. I believe my goals are pretty common and as you can see they are not very specific. This is because although I know where I want to be in life there are many ways to get there and its important to remember that if one plan fails there are always other plans you could try to achieve your goal. Life has many variables which can affect the time and the manner in which your goals are completed.


  1. Good for you this sounds really cool. Good luck in your endeavors

  2. I like your picture with mayor Bloomberg.....looks like he works for you. Its great to see that you have a vision and an ambition to get a job in "one of the top accounting firms in NY". Friend of mine worked in that field and it is very challenging (yet rewarding...cha ching!!!!). With right education and your desire to do it, there should be nothing to stop do have to get a car at some point...maybe. lol. Good luck with all!

  3. Hi Gilbert. I agree with you that renting apartment is the waste of money. That's why I have the same goal like you have, to buy and own a small house where I can live with my current family, my parents, and my future family, my husband and our kids. I wish all your goals come true:-)))

  4. Hi,
    I am pursuing a degree in accounting too, but there is big difference you want to work in one of the big- four. In contrast, I want to work in a medium firm because I think that it is the perfect place for any accountant to work. I wish you luck and I hope you get an internship in one of the big fours.

  5. Hi,Gilbert I wish you all the best with the accounting major and hope you start the intership as soon as possible. I loved how you expressed that one of your goals is creating a family. I think that most of the young people now days are focusing on other things and leaving the family matter behind. I think creating a stable family is just as important as being successful in life.

  6. Hi Gilbert! I totally agree with what you said that life has many variables which can affect the time and the manner in which your goals are completed. It seems like you know the direction that you're heading to, you just have to focus on that. I believe that with your determination to succeed, anything is possible. All the best to you!

  7. Dude, I think you can pull it off. If you can see yourself making it, odds are you'll make it. Remember that the people around you are behind you 100%

  8. I agree with you for the most part except for the statement that most people have goals in their life. from my own experience i know plenty of people who have no such goals and are just currently live in the present with no thought for mind for the future. this can be seen also in many teenagers who have no real goals in life. but great post.
